Discovering new values of TAIWAN FOOD

Fun Food Taiwan award aims to showcase Taiwan’s innovative food products that are fun ​and align with global trends for consumers worldwide.

The award is a joint effort by the Food Industry Research and Development Institute ​(FIRDI), Industrial Development Administration, MOEA, and food associations in Taiwan.

Core values of the award-winning products align with global trends: clean, design, and ​sustainable.



扣合全球趨勢,臺灣食品產業不斷在優秀的基礎上翻新創造,財團法人食品工業發展研究所與經濟部產​業發展署及國內相關食品公協會共同努力,秉持「用評選給舞臺,用案例說故事,用亮點行銷臺灣」的​精神及行動,2020年開始籌劃及推動「新味食潮FUN FOOD TAIWAN」的評選及產業新價值引領。


  • Less additives: Re-examine the additives used in ​products and avoid using them unless necessary or ​replace them with ingredients to make product labels ​cleaner while without compromising food safety.
  • Advance processing: Reduce or optimize processing ​procedures to avoid damaging nutritional components ​or other food quality factors..
  • Safe ingredients: Improve raw material quality ​through testing or certification, and use natural ​ingredients.
  • Fine ingredients: Improve raw material quality ​through testing or certification, and use natural ​ingredients.
  • Clear labeling: Clearly convey product information and ​make it easy for consumers to read and understand.
  • Transparent information: Fully disclose product ​information such as raw materials, manufacturers, and ​product quality, and make it searchable..


  • 食品添加物:重新審視產品使用的添加物,非必要不使用或​以食材原料組合調整使產品更潔淨安心。
  • 加工製程:透過減少或優化加工程序,避免破壞與減少營養​成分等食品相關品質要素。
  • 原料成分:藉由原料檢驗、品質認證、天然食材使用等作​為,提高原料管控。
  • 包裝標示:清楚傳達產品資訊,並使消費者容易閱讀及理​解。
  • 產品資訊:產品原料、製造工廠及產品品質等資訊充分公開​且可被查詢。

  • Visual aesthetics: Design products and packaging with ​aesthetics and unique concepts.
  • Five-sense experience: Enhance product ​visual/auditory/olfactory/taste/touch experiences and ​create pleasant and novel experiences for consumers.
  • Food texture: Create distinct texture or food structure ​which differentiates the products from similar ​products.
  • Cultural stories: Design unique product images by ​integrating such as local Taiwanese ingredients, ​historical culture, art, or modern coolness.
  • Target customer: Clear product position with precise ​and systematic marketing strategies to target ​customer.


  • 視覺美學:產品及包裝等具設計美學,且理念有特色。
  • 五感體驗:強化產品所提供的視/聽/嗅/味/觸覺感受,創造 ​消費者愉悅、新奇等感受。
  • 質地結構:產品口感有層次,與相似產品質地比較具差異。
  • 文化故事:產品具臺灣在地食材、歷史文化、藝術或現代酷​炫等特色形象。
  • 目標客群:產品定位明確,目標客群行銷策略精確具系統​性。

  • Universal design: Design convenient features that ​meet different consumers need for products.
  • Whole food utilization: Reduce the amount of waste ​generated during product manufacturing.
  • Carbon footprint Reduction: Increase use of local ​ingredients and shorten food transportation distances.
  • Preserve freshness: Extend shelf life by using methods ​such as formula adjustment, process improvement, ​sterilization, packaging, etc..
  • Environmental-friendly packaging: No excessive ​package, incorporate environmentally friendly ​packaging materials, and recycle packaging materials.


  • 通用設計:滿足不同消費者對產品所需要的便利特性。
  • 食材全物利用:減少產品製造時所產生的廢料量。
  • 碳足跡減少:強化在地食材多元利用,縮短食物運送里程。
  • 產品保存保鮮:運用配方調整、製程改善、殺菌處理、氣調​包裝等作法,使產品保存期限較目前相同品項延長。
  • 環保包裝運用:產品不過度包裝,包材納入環保替代包材,​包裝材料具循環應用性。

Fun Food Taiwan Award winner